For the past couple of years, we have been making our own unique, clever and special holiday cards to give to our family and friends. Instead of store-bought or family photo greeting cards, we use the kids' artistic skills to create them.
Every year our school brings in a Watercolour Artist, Marianne Woolley, to do a Holiday Theme watercolour workshop with the kids. When my son was in Grade 1, I scanned his painting in, as well as a drawing that my daughter did at home and made them into cards, by adding a greeting on the inside.
We printed them out on cardstock, folded them up and that was it!

They were thoughtful and touching because each of our recipients got a hand-drawn art piece by our kids.
We did the same thing last year, and plan on doing it again this year.

This card was made from a pastel art project also done at school.

Try turning your kid's art into your holiday card this year and share their lovely drawings with us!