Last year we bought a couple tropical garden stakes to go around our backyard pond... a flamingo and a hummingbird. The flamingo came in a nice shade of pink, and the hummingbird was a solid silver colour. I found that the hummingbird, as much as very pretty up close, was blending into the fence behind it, and wasn't showing up at a glance.

This year, I decided to give him a brand new paint job and make him stand out!
I used acrylic paint and then gave it a clear coat spray.

Earlier this year (before Covid) we were on vacation in Trinidad, and we visited a hummingbird sanctuary called "Yerettê". It was a unique, impressive and unforgettable experience! We learned a lot about the magical tiny birds and Theo and Gloria Ferguson were the most gracious hosts!
I chose the "Green-Throated Mango Hummingbird" as inspiration for my garden decor, and I'm very happy that I did. Did you know that all hummingbirds' wings are brown? (Sorry Theo, I cheated and added a little bit of purple to the brown on the wings!)
I'm always looking for new ideas to make my (Toronto) backyard into a Trini Tropical oasis... if you have any suggestions, please feel free to share in the comments!
